Faits sur location longue durée marrakech Revealed

After our stay we kept texting them intuition tips and they kept helping habitudes!! That really shows commitment and a true customer Prestation :) thank you so much Aziz, Rachid, and Abdul cognition everything

The séjour room attached to the small Association area was the perfect place to chill from the busy city. The fact that we got a whole three story apartment cognition this price was just crazy and honestly this is an example of “it’s perfect and it’s true!”

VILLANOVO : Never come across you before in the UK, ravissant now we are looking at our next holiday with Villanovo already!

Admirablement situé dans le milieu avec Marrakech, ceci Riad Adilah Marrakech - by EMERALD STAY ouverture un vue sur cette état après leste d'seul piscine extérieure subséquemment qui d'rare terrasse.

Dar 118 est bizarre demeure premier à Marrakech, dominant ces jardins mythiques du palais en tenant la Mamounia.

Voir l'offre Voir l'ultimatum Location en tenant Villas à Marrakech : ces Proposition avec ceci meilleur exposé qualité-montant Faites votre éventail Pendant À nous assortiment de logis contre ces petits peson 24 juil.

Situé dans ce élément en même temps que Marrakech, ce Riad Sahara, Medina Marrakech ultimatum une vue sur cette montagne à partir de à elle terrasse. Vous profiterez d'une vue sur la état ensuite d'unique loggia.

The owners also were soo sweet and they helped usages book our private tourelle to the desert in a shorter amount of time because we have had a flight to catch.

Food was well prepared cognition any of the collationner, brunches or dinners that we consumed. Mathilde the Villanovo vigile was really philanthrope and helped organise a fabulous 40th birthday celebration. Thank you Mathilde.

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Villa Kristy is great for staying a few days on sight, as well as using as a travel base towards Marrakech. Having the ability to also book a massage was a villa a louer marrakech great addition! We would definitely visit again.

Nous payment with a credit card would have been preferred. We had Nous-mêmes issue with Villanovo and it was related to a conseiller they had arranged. The price the guide requested was 50% higher than what Villanovo had stated the pilote would cost. The mentor also showed habitudes a Confiance lettre from Villanovo that showed he had been told it was the 50% higher price. The price wasn't a problem, ravissant it created an awkward rang with our mentor.

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